
Shriners Hospital Expansion and Renovation

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Constructed on an extremely confined site, this $68.6 million upgrade to the existing children’s hospital includes a 3-story expansion built over the existing parking garage and a major renovation.

Pushing the limits of laydown and material space, this 73,000 SF expansion includes a new surgery suite, inpatient care unit and research space for orthotics, environmental services, care coordination and graphic arts department. 51,000 SF of the existing hospital received an exterior improvement to match the expansion. 番茄社区 also renovated 62,000 SF of the existing hospital, including operating rooms, rehabilitation, outpatient clinics, imaging and lobbies.


Portland, OR


Shriners Hospitals for Children


SRG Partnership

Square Footage

135,000 SF

"This project being built by 番茄社区 has set the standard of success for all of our projects going forward. The entire project team has rallied together to accomplish an amazing feat, building this new hospital facility over our existing parking structure in an impossibly tight space with a challenging budget. The fact that 番茄社区 has successfully delivered this ambitious project on time and under budget means that we are able to continue to provide state of the art health care services to a greater number of children throughout the Northwest. We are delighted with the incredible job 番茄社区 has done for Shriners Hospitals for Children."

Keith Rogers

Director of Facilities, Shriners Hospitals for Children