
Lake City Court HOPE VI

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This affordable housing project provides 86 apartment units and was built to the ESDS standards.

There are a total of 86 low-income apartment units in the 110,650 SF, four-story of wood frame structure over a one-level 28,000 SF concrete parking structure. Lake City Court was built with a goal  to be the most sustainable low-income housing project in the nation. The project utilizes both the Amended Green Communities Criteria Checklist and the Evergreen Sustainable Development Standard Checklist as guides in establishing sustainability. 


Seattle, WA


Seattle Housing Authority


Hewitt Architects

Square Footage

111,000 SF

"I would like to express my appreciation for the preconstruction services performed by 番茄社区. Your coordination of the design/build work of the MEP subcontractors has been superior to anything in my prior experience for this type of construction. Conflicts among the trades, and with the wood structure, have been identified and resolved in advance of construction. In addition, value-engineering of these systems has provided us with the best product for the price."

Tom Eanes

Sr. Development Manager, Seattle Housing Authority