
Cardio Brief

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Toxic Cardiology Culture Pervasive Worldwide, ACC Survey Finds

No group was immune to hostile work conditions, but women and young doctors got the worst of it

May 10, 2021
A distressed looking young female physician with her arm extended palm out making a stop gesture
Warfarin Class Tied to Higher Death Rate in COPD

Retrospective results shouldn't change practice, but deserve more study

May 23, 2018
AHA: BP Measurement in SPRINT Was All Over the Place

Did varying presence of staff during BP readings ruin a huge study?

Nov 14, 2017
Heart Attack Fells AHA President During Annual Meeting

The AHA reports that he received a stent and is doing well

Nov 13, 2017
AHA: New Blood Pressure Guideline Sets 130/80 Threshold

Expanded guideline means more than 100 million Americans have high blood pressure

Nov 13, 2017
AHA: CANTOS Substudy Supports Major Role of Inflammation

Large reductions in hsCRP appeared to foretell improved outcomes

Nov 13, 2017
CardioBrief: The Story Behind the NY Times ORBITA Anecdote

Brahmajee Nallamothu, MD, expounds on a patient not stented due to ORBITA

Nov 06, 2017
CardioBrief: Diving Deep into the ORBITA Trial

William Boden, Ajay Kirtane, and Dan Mark analyze the ORBITA trial

Nov 02, 2017
Drug Ads: Why Consumers Tune Out the Side Effect List

Long recitation actually dilutes perception of risk

Oct 11, 2017
ESC: Huge Diet Study Shows Carbs, Not Fats Are the Problem

But PURE also challenges belief that more is better for fruits and vegetables

Aug 29, 2017
ESC: Merck REVEALS a Slightly Positive CETP Inhibitor Trial

A CETP inhibitor scores after 3 strikes for the class

Aug 29, 2017
Generic Atenolol in Short Supply

The latest sign of turmoil in the generic drug marketplace.

Aug 10, 2017
CardioBrief: How Statins Drive Some People Crazy

Partisans on both sides derail rational discussion of risks, benefits

Jul 31, 2017
Op-Ed: Vegetable Oils, (Francis) Bacon, Bing Crosby, and the AHA

Gary Taubes responds to the AHA presidential advisory on dietary fats

Jun 20, 2017
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